
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Denzel Washington Up for Green Lantern In Batman Vs. Superman?

The latest rumors going around have nearly 60 year old Denzel Washington up for the role of Green Lantern John Stewart in Batman Vs. Superman. The website Nuke The Fridge posted that Washington was rumored to be playing Lex Luthor but instead was being considered for Green Lantern. Personal I feel he would be better for Green Lantern than Luthor but I definitly would want a younger actor in the role, Idris Elba who said he would be interested would be a better fit for the role and is twenty years younger which would work out better for future films. Elba is also closer in age to Ben Affleck (both around 40) who is playing Batman, Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot are both around 30 making them half of Washington's age. While age doesn't have to be the only factor the fact DC and Warner Bros. hope to compete with Marvel with a superhero franchise they need to get actors for these roles long term and do it right, not just big name actors.

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